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le visage d'une femme (zarah leander?) pris en contre-plongée, un grand "2" lui est collé sur la bouche et le menton. sur sa paupière droite est collé une partie de machine. autour du cou elle a un éventail chinois (signes chinois flous) lui servant comme colerette. à côté de son col apparaissent 6 mots allemands d'origine latine: 1. demagogie soziologie 22. epilepsie kollaboration 11. apokryph ellipse 1. démagogie sociologie 22. epilepsie collaboration 11. apocryphe ellipse "on qualifie d’apocryphe (du grec απόκρυφος / apókryphos, « caché ») un écrit « dont l'authenticité n'est pas établie » (littré). dans le domaine biblique, l'expression désigne, à partir de la construction des canons, un écrit considéré comme non authentique parce que jugé, par les autorités religieuses, comme non inspiré par dieu." (wikipedia) |
the face of a woman (who might be zarah leander) from below; she has a big 2 stuck on her mouth and chin. the part of a machine is also stuck on her right eyelid. she has a chinese fan (with blurred chinese signs on it) around her neck, like a ruff. beside it, there are six german words of latin origin. 1. demagogie soziologie 22. epilepsie kollaboration 11. apokryph ellipse 1. demagogy sociology 22. epilepsy collaboration 11. apocryphal ellipse apocrypha (from the greek word ἀπόκρυφα, meaning "those having been hidden away"[1]) are texts of uncertain authenticity, or writings where the authorship is questioned. when used in the specific context of judeo-christian theology, the term apocrypha refers to any collection of scriptural texts that falls outside the canon. given that different denominations have different ideas about what constitutes canonical scripture, there are several different versions of the apocrypha. during sixteenth-century controversies over the biblical canon the word "apocrypha" acquired a negative connotation, and it has become a synonym for "spurious" or "false." this usage usually involves fictitious or legendary accounts that are plausible enough to be commonly considered as truth. |
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