English Version
N° inv   0929  |  38 x 27 cm   |   Collage on paper

"the United States Leather Company"
"the United States Leather Company"
"the United States Leather Company"
"the United States Leather Company"


jeune homme africain au javelot collé à l'envers sur un journal américain avec une annonce de "the united states leather company". le "united states leather comany" a été une des plus grandes entreprises a les etas-unis de 1900 et une de les entreprises originales de la "dow jones industrial average" (l'index des actions). a la gauche il est marqué "new york and bosten". "the united states leather company" a été situé a new york et bosten. des bouts de papier et des papiers en forme de faucille (brun, noir, beige et ocre) sont collés autour du jeune homme.

a young african man with a spear in his hand is stick down on a page of an american newspaper. there you can read an advertisement of "the united states leather company" which was one of the biggest companies in the united states around 1900. it also was one of the original companies in the dow jones industrial average. on the right side it is written down "new york and bosten" which were the cities were the company were located. some pieces of paper and a sickle-shaped paper are stick down around the young man.

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